Hi, I'm Bakartridge (or just Baka for short) and I'm a 21 y.o. male nerd who loves a lot of stuff, mainly music, games, tech, and generally anything retro, and that includes the internet. I have ADHD and I'm heterosexual (though basically asexual and aromantic). Used to go under the name Inkling Studios (or Ink), though that name is now used for my "project" of sorts, or rather the name I apply to just about anything I make. I tend to make a lot of stuff, sort of a jack of all trades, but my main thing is making art. In terms of what I wanna do in terms of a career, I plan to work in the IT field (shocker, right? :P), whether it's in cybersec or just being a field technician, the guy who fixes people's computer issues. I'm American and currently live in the Southeast (home state is Georgia, though not living there atm), planning to move to the PNW (Washington specifically), or to work with the government and have the ability to be stationed in Japan for a long period of time.
If you wanna contact me further, either inquiring about me or this site, email me at InklingStudios3@gmail.com.