Baka's Site

The TwitterPeek: One of the most useless things I've ever seen in my entire life

The most useless thing ever

Holy shit, okay, this is the first of these I'm making so figured I'd start with something that's just utterly ridiculous. The TwitterPeek was made in November 09 by Peek, a company who specialized in making handheld devices for you to check your emails on. The device's purpose was to let you view Twitter posts (yes, I know, it's Twitter, but 09 Twitter was way different than Twitter today, or even Twitter 10 years ago) on the device.

...And that's literally it, you couldn't do anything else on it. That's like having something JUST to view Facebook posts and do nothing else, it's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard of turning into an actual product. Oh yeah, and it couldn't even fully do THAT right, the damn thing couldn't display a full 140-character tweet, images had to be loaded separately from a post, outward links to sites just took you to a barebones HTML page, and so many more issues.

The biggest kick in the nuts though? The damn thing was TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Just to view Twitter and NOTHING else, when the Blackberry could let you view (and make) Twitter posts and the Twitter app for the iPhone came out the month before the TwitterPeek hit the market. Although, if you didn't want to pay that much (and I don't blame you), there was the option to just pay $100 for it.

...then after 6 months you would have to pay $8 a month to keep using it. $8 a month to use a device you already paid for, and for a website that was completely free elsewhere.

Just absolutely uesless, one of the dumbest tech products I've ever seen come out, how the person who came up with this wasn't immediately fired is crazy, they greenlit it, went through the whole process, and never once thought "hey maybe this isn't that great of an idea". Thing is better used as a paperweight than an actual device.